الأحد، 7 سبتمبر 2008



  1. Name: No way
  1. Age: All information that
    could disclose my character I can't answer … it is the first time
    for me to make interview.
  1. Current city you
    live in:
    hhhhhhhhhhh J
  1. What is (are) your
    blog address(es):
  1. How long have you
    blogged at these address(es):
    Feb 2008
  1. Do you have any
    other blogs that you have stopped writing and, if so, when did you stop
    and why?
    this one, just changed the address from
    to the current one because at the beginning I didn't know what to call
    the blog and now changed the address to be more consistent with the
    name. I got this name from internet, it was a comment on a picture for
    alcoholic beverages, I don't drink alcohol but I liked the name
  1. What languages do
    you blog in? Why those languages?
    because I want to spread new teaching regarding Islam, more liberated
    (actually very liberated) and most muslims are Arabs so they know this
    language and it is my first language. If I managed to make them change
    or at least some of them then the face of the planet earth will change
    too. There are a lot of muslims in the world who don't know Arabic language
    and all they do is gust simply follow the one who know the language
    and tell them what to do. Now I might affect those as well if they hear
    and see many muslims who can speak the language disregard what religion
    professionals say and new schools come up with revolutionary speech.
  1. Where do you blog
    from (Home, work, internet cafÈ)?
  1. Why did you start
    blogging? (Was there a particular event/reason that encouraged you?)
    At the beginning I
    was writing in a web site of the denomination (our denomination is similar
    to Protestant denomination in Christianity, we believe in nothing but the holly
    book and everyone is invited to think and teach us and the educated
    thinkers broad minded people are the real ones who can lead the muslims
    you can have a look to the English version of web site here
    http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/main.php) but I was extremer
    for them in liberality and didn't like their way of management. Extra
    liberation is danger for me and them especially from time to time the
    Egyptian regime strike and media upset the conservative country against
    them. I believe that the truth must be revieled and must be somewhere
    in a single book or in internet and the one who seeks it can find it
    and for those who are extremely fundamentals it is better to meet with
    the opposite for the first time in their life, a person who says the
    opposite extreme and also depend on the holy scripts. At least this
    my help in diluting their rigidity.
  1. Why do you continue
    to blog? (Is there a reason/point for your blog? Does it answer a need/question?)
    It is not my job, my
    background is scientific and my work too. It is not my job to do theological
    or political study and maybe I am not so much religious like others
    and have my mistakes too and don't have political future but I find
    myself have to do this because somebody must do it somebody must say
    the truth. If I am in normal country maybe I spend my free time reading
    a novel on the beach or going out with friends but I preach in the blog
    with the new ideas with the new view and inviting people to look to
    the script in different way and tell them that the modern western life
    is not too much difference that what religion invite us to live. We
    live in a disaster, we have a problem in religion and in politics. Half
    of the society of muslims don't talk to the other half because sex segregation
    and this has bad effect also veil is some kind of segregation and has
    it's effect too. 99% or more of the space in man's mind is sex because
    of that and they have fetishism also. Not only male-female issues but
    also people are not sure democracy is complying with Islam and a lot
    of false rubbish attacks against Islam from Christian Egyptians and
    arabs who immigrated to the west and started very cruel non moral war
    in internet and satellite channels so I have many to say to them and
    to muslims to back them and so on and there is as well talk about personal
    prayers I want to share with people and there is male circumcision I
    wish people to stop doing it same as the are going to stop female circumcision
    … etc….. Politically Egypt IS THE ONLY COUNTRY IN THE WORL that
    it's own people hate it. Egyptians hate to live in Egypt and cruel with
    each other. I have seen Pakistanies who love Pakistan … I never imagined
    that before. I imagined Pakistan as cruel country of extreme fundamentals
    who cut the nose remove the eyes, eras of the women by their husbands
    and a lot of photos for demonstrations by fundamentals of Pakistan in
    my mind and didn't imagine people their love this place but I found
    they love it and my analysis for it is democracy Egypt lost democracy
    science 56 years and suffer from sadism in treatment between people
    starting from police to normal citizen and teachers to students and
    in army to poor soldiers into the whole society until your transportation
    and your home neighbours. Work is for 12 continuous hours (plus 4 hours
    in the travel from home to the factory outside the city every day and
    sometimes 7 days a week) in the factory of the Egyptian capitalists
    and they enter politics and parliaments to protect them selves and set
    the law as they like to be. Every every election is faked every every
    thing is false … for 56 continuous years … that is why you find
    Egyptians in the whole world seeking for another nationality or country
    to accept them no matter poor or reach the person is they all want to
    go out and reach people already have dual nationality and they are here
    only for business. That is why I write in politics in theology while
    I should live a normal different life but somebody has to do it and
    no body do it.
  1. What do you hope
    your readers get out of your blog?
    their minds to think in different way and liberate from non true and
    false teaching and follow the right (or better) one.
  1. Where does your
    blog fit in the world? Middle East? Egypt? (Who is it for and why?)
    Egypt and any Arabic speakers because the language is Arabic and speaks
    about hot topics
  1. What are the positive
    and negative repercussions for writing your blog?
    if some people are interested and affected (but I am not that popular
    I thinking if I give up and stop) negative is safety as the regime can
    charge me with Heresy or abusing Mubarak
  1. What would cause
    you to end your blog?
    too much people respond and get affected
  1. Do participate
    in other online activites (facebook, twitter, etc) and for what reasons?
  1. Can you describe
    yourself in Egyptian society? (Job, education, status, married, etc)
  1. What are your feelings
    on Egyptian media?
  1. What are you feelings
    on Egyptian politics?
  1. How do you feel
    about the Egyptian blogosphere and other bloggers?
  1. Do you participate
    in other traditional forms of civil society (NGO, political party, etc)?

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